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iRobot Braava Jet M6 6110 vs 6113

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to clean our homes can be a challenge. Enter the world of robot mops, designed to make our lives easier by taking over the tedious task of mopping floors. Among the leaders in this industry is iROBOT with its Braava Jet M6 series. In this review, we’ll dive deep into a side-by-side comparison of two models from this series: the M6 6110 and the M6 6113. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of which model suits your needs best.

Quick Takeaways

  • Both models offer Smart Mapping technology for efficient cleaning paths across multiple rooms.
  • Voice and App Control allow seamless integration with digital devices and hands-free commands.
  • The M6 6110 boasts a slightly longer battery life, while the M6 6113 excels in spot cleaning.

Design and Build

Aesthetics and Color

At first glance, both the M6 6110 and 6113 have a sleek and modern look. Their minimalist design ensures they blend seamlessly into any home decor. While both models share a similar design language, there are subtle differences in their color schemes. The M6 6110 sports a clean white finish, while the M6 6113 opts for a slightly darker shade. This difference might seem trivial, but for those who have specific aesthetic preferences, it can be a deciding factor.


Size matters, especially when it comes to gadgets that need to navigate around your home. Both models are compact, ensuring they can easily slide under furniture and navigate tight spaces. Weighing in at just a few pounds, they’re lightweight, making them easy to pick up and move if needed. The M6 6110 is slightly smaller in dimensions, making it a tad more agile in tighter spaces compared to the M6 6113.

Features and Technology

Precision Jet Spray

Messy spills and stubborn dirt are no match for the Precision Jet Spray feature found in both models. This feature ensures that the right amount of cleaning solution is sprayed to tackle the mess without over-wetting your floors. While both models are efficient in this regard, the M6 6113 seems to have a slightly more consistent spray pattern.

Smart Mapping

Gone are the days when robot mops would bump into walls and furniture aimlessly. Both these models come equipped with Smart Mapping technology. This means they can learn and remember the layout of your home, ensuring efficient cleaning paths. Over time, they adapt to changes in your home’s layout, ensuring they don’t miss a spot. Both models perform admirably in this department, with no clear winner.

Voice and App Control

In our digital age, the ability to control gadgets through voice commands or smartphone apps is almost expected. Both the M6 6110 and 6113 deliver on this front. They’re compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing for hands-free control. Additionally, the iROBOT app lets you set cleaning schedules, check battery life, and even see where the mop has cleaned. It’s a tie in this category, with both models offering a seamless user experience.

Battery Life and Performance

A robot mop is only as good as its battery life. Both models boast impressive runtimes, ensuring they can clean multiple rooms on a single charge. The M6 6110 edges out slightly in terms of battery longevity, but the M6 6113 counters with a faster recharge time. Depending on your cleaning needs, you might prioritize one over the other.

Cleaning Efficiency

Floor Type Compatibility

Whether you have hardwood, tile, or stone flooring, these mops are up to the task. They’re designed to handle various floor types with ease. Both models adjust their cleaning methods based on the floor type, ensuring optimal cleaning without causing damage. It’s hard to pick a winner here, as both models excel in versatility.

Multi-Room Cleaning

For those with larger homes, the ability of a robot mop to clean multiple rooms efficiently is crucial. Both the M6 6110 and 6113 shine in this aspect. Their smart mapping technology ensures they can navigate through doorways and across different rooms without getting lost. The cleaning patterns are methodical, ensuring every inch of your floor gets the attention it deserves.

Spot Cleaning

We all have those moments where a specific spot needs immediate attention. Both these models come with a spot cleaning mode. Place them near the mess, activate the mode, and watch them work their magic. The M6 6113 has a slight edge in this category, tackling stubborn spots with a bit more vigor.

User Experience and Convenience

Set-Up and Maintenance

Getting started with both models is a breeze. Out of the box, a few simple steps will have them ready to clean. Maintenance is also straightforward. Regularly checking and cleaning the mop pads and ensuring the water reservoir is filled will keep them running smoothly. Both models come with clear instructions, making the process hassle-free.

Customization and Scheduling

The iRobot app offers a range of customization options. From setting cleaning schedules to defining no-go zones, the control is in your hands. Both models offer similar customization options, ensuring your cleaning needs are met without any manual intervention.

Customer Reviews

Real users have shared their experiences with both models, and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. Common praises include their efficient cleaning patterns, long battery life, and ease of use. Some users have pointed out minor quirks, but they’re far and few between. It’s evident that both models live up to the iRobot reputation.

Price and Value

Initial Cost

Robot mops are an investment, and it’s essential to get good value for your money. Both the M6 6110 and 6113 are priced competitively, considering their features and performance. While the M6 6110 is slightly more affordable, the M6 6113 offers some additional features that might justify the extra cost for some users.

Long-Term Value

When considering a purchase, it’s not just the initial cost that matters. Durability, maintenance costs, and performance over time play a role in determining long-term value. Both models are built to last, with high-quality materials and robust construction. With proper care, they’re likely to serve you well for years.

Warranty and Support

Peace of mind is crucial when investing in a gadget. Both models come with a warranty, ensuring any manufacturing defects are addressed. iRobot’s customer support is also commendable, with responsive representatives ready to assist with any queries or issues.

Further Reading:


Choosing between the iRobot Braava Jet M6 6110 and 6113 can be a tough decision. Both models offer impressive features, efficient cleaning, and user-friendly controls. Your choice will ultimately depend on your specific needs, aesthetic preferences, and budget. Regardless of which model you opt for, rest assured you’re investing in a top-quality robot mop that will make your life easier.

About the author

Hi I’m Alex, founder of HouseholdMe.com and I’d like to say thank you for dropping by. Like most of you, the first thing I look at before buying something online is reviews or buying guides. By reading what other people say will help me gauge whether or not a product is good or not.  I am trying to help people find answers, solve problems, and get inspired.

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