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Roborock Q Revo vs. S8 Pro Ultra

A well-crafted robotic vacuum is more than just a cleaning device – it’s a comprehensive solution to smart and efficient home maintenance. Today, we’re going to explore a head-to-head comparison between two flagship robotic vacuums: the Roborock Q Revo and the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra. Both of these top-tier models from Roborock, a leader in the smart cleaning industry, have won numerous accolades for their performance, durability, and advanced features.

In this review, we will dissect each model’s specifications, features, cleaning power, and much more. Our mission is to equip you with all the information you need to decide which one will make the perfect addition to your smart home. So, let’s dive in!

Roborock Q Revo

Background of the Roborock Q Revo

The Roborock Q Revo is a product of meticulous innovation and forward-thinking technology. It has been designed to tackle everyday messes with ease while offering you a hands-free and efficient cleaning experience.

Key Features

  • Advanced Vision Mapping and Navigation
  • Automatic Dirt Disposal
  • Sonic Mopping
  • Custom Cleaning Settings

Unboxing the Roborock Q Revo: What’s in the Box?

  • Roborock Q Revo Robot Vacuum
  • Auto-Empty Dock
  • Mop Pad
  • Mop Rack
  • Power Cable

Roborock S8 Pro Ultra

Background of the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra

The Roborock S8 Pro Ultra, an upgraded version of the previous models in the S series, is renowned for its intelligent features and exceptional cleaning power. It brings convenience, performance, and smart technology together to offer a superior cleaning solution.

Key Features

  • Precision LiDAR Navigation
  • Multi-Level Mapping
  • Sonic Mopping
  • High-capacity Battery for Extended Cleaning

Unboxing the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra: What’s in the Box?

  • Roborock S8 Pro Ultra Robot Vacuum
  • Charging Dock
  • Mop Cloth
  • Mop Bracket
  • Adjustable Water Tank
  • Power Cable

Now that we have a basic understanding of both models let’s delve deeper into their design, features, and cleaning performance.

Design and Build Quality

Aesthetics of Roborock Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra

Both the Roborock Q Revo and the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra sport sleek and modern designs that blend well with any decor. Their sophisticated look is more than just about aesthetics – it’s also about functionality.

Construction and Material Quality

Constructed with durable materials, both models are built to withstand regular use while their slim profiles allow them to navigate under furniture with ease.

Size and Weight

While the Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra are slightly heavier than some models due to their advanced features, their size and weight do not hinder their mobility or performance.

Navigation Capabilities

Precision Mapping and Navigation

The Roborock Q Revo utilizes Advanced Vision Mapping while the S8 Pro Ultra is equipped with Precision LiDAR Navigation. Both models can create detailed maps of your home and follow efficient cleaning paths.

Multi-Level Mapping

Both the Q Revo and the S8 Pro Ultra support Multi-Level Mapping. This feature allows the vacuums to recognize different floors in your house and clean each level efficiently.

No-Go and No-Mop Zones

Setting up No-Go and No-Mop Zones is straightforward with both models, ensuring the vacuums avoid certain areas like pet bowls, toys, or carpets when mopping.

Cliff Sensors and Obstacle Avoidance

Both models are equipped with cliff sensors to prevent falls, and they handle obstacles well, rarely getting stuck.

Now that we’ve analyzed the design and navigation capabilities, let’s move on to the most exciting part – the cleaning performance.

Cleaning Performance

Suction Power

Both the Roborock Q Revo and the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra are equipped with powerful motors that provide impressive suction. They can handle a variety of debris from fine dust to larger particles.

Multi-Surface Cleaning

Transitioning Between Surfaces

Both models excel at transitioning from hard floors to carpets, adjusting suction levels accordingly for optimal cleaning.

Handling of Carpets, Hardwood, and Tiles

The Roborock Q Revo and the S8 Pro Ultra are highly efficient at cleaning carpets, hardwood, and tiles, leaving surfaces debris-free and looking fresh.

Edge Cleaning and Corner Performance

Edge cleaning is no problem for these robotic vacuums. Both models are equipped with side brushes, reaching into corners and along edges where dirt often hides.

Sonic Mopping Feature

Both the Q Revo and the S8 Pro Ultra come with the Sonic Mopping feature, scrubbing your hard floors to tackle stubborn stains.

Dustbin and Mop Tank Capacity

Dustbin Design and Capacity

The Roborock Q Revo is equipped with an Automatic Dirt Disposal feature, whereas the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra has a traditional dustbin. Both dustbins have sufficient capacity to hold debris from several cleaning sessions.

Mop Tank Capacity and Efficiency

Both models have large mop tanks and adjustable water flow, enabling them to mop large areas without needing a refill.

Let’s now move on to the battery life and charging specifics of both these models.

Battery Life and Charging

Battery Capacity and Run-Time

The Roborock Q Revo and the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra are powered by high-capacity batteries. Both can handle extended cleaning sessions, making them suitable for larger homes or thorough clean-ups.

Charging Time and Docking

Both models are designed to return to their docks automatically when their battery level is low. Charging times are efficient, ensuring the vacuums are ready for their next cleaning mission as soon as possible.

Resume Function

The Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra have the capability to resume cleaning where they left off after recharging. This feature ensures complete and uninterrupted cleaning.

Smart Home Integration

App Control and Features

Roborock’s user-friendly app provides various controls and settings for the Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra. You can customize cleaning schedules, adjust suction and water levels, set no-go and no-mop zones, and view cleaning history and maps.

Voice Control

Both models are compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing you to control your vacuum with simple voice commands.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

The app also alerts you to any issues with the vacuums and guides you through troubleshooting steps, keeping your robotic cleaners in peak condition.

After evaluating the battery life and smart features, let’s delve into how the Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra fare against the competition.

Consumer Feedback

What Users Love About the Roborock Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra

Customers are thrilled about the powerful suction, intelligent mapping, and the convenience of scheduled cleanings.

Common Criticisms and Concerns

Some users find the initial setup a bit complicated and the vacuums can sometimes get stuck on thicker rugs.

Analyzing Customer Reviews and Ratings

Overall, both models have received high praise for their cleaning performance, durability, and intelligent features.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

Safety Features and Precautions

Both models have a host of safety features including cliff-detection, obstacle avoidance, and low battery automatic return-to-dock.

Environmental Footprint

Battery Recycling

Remember to recycle your Roborock’s lithium-ion battery in an environmentally friendly manner.

Material Sustainability

Though made with high-quality materials, the sustainability practices behind these products should always be considered.

Pros and Cons

Roborock Q Revo

Pros of the Q Revo

  • Advanced vision mapping and navigation
  • Automatic dirt disposal system
  • Sonic mopping feature
  • Custom cleaning settings

Cons of the Q Revo

  • Might struggle with high-pile rugs
  • Initial setup might be complex for some

Roborock S8 Pro Ultra

Pros of the S8 Pro Ultra

  • Precision LiDAR navigation
  • Multi-level mapping
  • High-capacity battery for extended cleaning
  • Sonic mopping feature

Cons of the S8 Pro Ultra

  • Lacks automatic dirt disposal
  • May get stuck on thicker carpets


Both the Roborock Q Revo and the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra are exemplary smart cleaning devices. They excel in suction power, navigation capabilities, and feature robust app control. The Q Revo wins points for its automatic dirt disposal, while the S8 Pro Ultra shines with its extended battery life.

Choosing between these two essentially boils down to your specific needs. If you prefer a hands-off cleaning experience, the Q Revo with its automatic dirt disposal is an excellent choice. However, if longer cleaning sessions and precise navigation are more important to you, then the S8 Pro Ultra will not disappoint.


Q1: Can the Roborock Q Revo and S8 Pro Ultra clean multiple rooms?

Yes, both models have advanced mapping capabilities and can clean multiple rooms, even on different floors.

Q2: How does the automatic dirt disposal feature in the Q Revo work?

The Q Revo empties its dustbin into a larger bag within the charging dock after each cleaning session, reducing the frequency of manual emptying.

Q3: Can I control the vacuums when I’m not at home?

Absolutely! Both models can be controlled remotely via the Roborock app, allowing you to schedule or start cleanings from anywhere.

About the author

Hi I’m Alex, founder of HouseholdMe.com and I’d like to say thank you for dropping by. Like most of you, the first thing I look at before buying something online is reviews or buying guides. By reading what other people say will help me gauge whether or not a product is good or not.  I am trying to help people find answers, solve problems, and get inspired.

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