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Best Robot Vacuums Under $100 in 2023

So, you’re on a budget? Who isn’t these days? If your wallet is on the light side, you don’t have to miss out on all the fun tech gadgets. For less than $100, you can enjoy the unique convenience of a robotic vacuum cleaner.


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Top Robot Vacuum Cleaner Under $100 in 2023

2) Pure Clean PUCRC25 Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Here’s the thing about the PURCRC25 Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner, it’s a low-budget robot vacuum, and this means it’s going to be weaker than the other ones on this list. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad robot vacuum, because it is not, and it has some excellent features.

Pure Clean PUCRC25 Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review

To start with the battery life, you have access to fifty-minutes of battery-life. For a big house, this isn’t a lot, but for a smaller apartment, it should be more than enough especially since this vacuum works quickly.

You have three cleaning modes to choose from. Each one of these is backed up by the excellent sensors, which allows the robot vacuum cleaner to determine where it needs to go quickly.

The first cleaning mode is “Auto/Random” which is an automatic cleaning mode that relies on the sensors to determine where, and how, the vacuum cleans. Then, you have “Spiral” which is a mode that involves the vacuum moving in a spiral pattern, which allows for the vacuum to clean specific areas in a very quick and effective manner. Finally, the third cleaning mode is “Edge” which is for cleaning the edges of the space that the vacuum is in.

While these are simple cleaning modes, they all work very well, and they’re great at doing a nice, thorough clean. Along with that, this robot vacuum does work well on all hard floors and low-pile carpeting.

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1) SereneLife Robot Automatic Vacuum Cleaner

Finally, the last vacuum on our list is the PureClean Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner. This is a bit more expensive than the others on this list, but it makes up for that when it comes to the power that it offers.

PureClean Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner PUCRC26B Review

The battery-life is fifty-five-minutes. For a smaller house or an apartment, this is perfect. For a larger house, it’s not ideal, assuming you want to clean the entire house.

Using the sensors, the PureClean Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner has no problems navigating all around your home and adjusting itself to accommodate the different surfaces that it is going across. There are two side brushes, and these are quite big, so this makes it easier for them to push dirt and debris into the suction pathway.

If you want to use this robot vacuum on carpets, you definitely can, but it isn’t always going to be very effective, due to the reach of the brushes, and the suction power that it offers. Instead, focus more on hard floors, and you’ll be able to make the most out of this robot vacuum cleaner.

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Robot Vacuums Under $100 Buying Guide

Although a robot vacuum at this price point won’t come equipped every bell and whistle, you can find an efficient, reliable model that won’t break the bank by asking yourself questions about three main areas.


What Are the Run and Charge Times?

Together, the run time and charge time determine how many square feet the robot vacuum can clean each day. Therefore, the longer the run time and the shorter the charge time, the more it will get done.

How Strong Is the Suction?

Usually, the manufacturer lists the robot vacuum’s suction power in pascals. If you don’t see that information, look at the battery capacity instead. A higher capacity equates to stronger suction. Also, the inclusion of a filter helps maintain the vacuum’s performance.

What is the Dust Bin’s Capacity?

Robot vacuums are small, so their dust collectors don’t hold nearly as much dirt and debris as the ones in full-size manual vacuums. However, a bin with a larger capacity means fewer trips to the garbage can.

Does It Make a Lot of Noise?

This is one area where you need to keep your expectations realistic. A robovac is an appliance, and appliances do make noise. Nonetheless, you don’t have to put up with one that sounds like a jet plane taking flight.

2) Navigation

What Kind of Wheels Are on the Robot Vacuum?

Virtually every robotic vacuum has at least three wheels. Two side wheels and one front caster. Side wheels with tread and those that are large have less difficulty rolling across thresholds while smooth, small side wheels may not make it.

What Cleaning Patterns Does It Make?

You want a robot vacuum to make the most of its working time, so the cleaning patterns it offers are important. For whole-room vacuuming, the robot vacuum will either move in a random or methodical pattern; random typically takes longer. Some also move around the perimeter of a room or in circular motions to clean a small spot.

How Tall and Wide Are the Robot Vacuum?

Its width and height determine how adept the robotic vacuum is at scooting under and in between furniture. A short and slim vacuum will have no problem reaching under a low-sitting couch or through the middle of four chair legs. Conversely, a wide robot vacuum can cover more floor space in one pass, shortening its cleaning time.


How Are the Controls Configured?

Look on top of the robot vacuum – That’s where the control panel is located. If the robotic vacuum only offers one cleaning mode, the button layout won’t matter. On the other hand, if it offers multiple cleaning modes, you’ll ideally want a button for each mode. For the sake of clarity, every button should have a label or a corresponding indicator light.

Is There a Handle?

Whether you need to recharge the battery or perform routine maintenance, there will be times when you need to pick up the robo vac. While these appliances aren’t heavy, it helps if they have a carrying handle.

How Is the Dust Bin Designed?

Besides its capacity, it is important to know whether the dust bin is built-in or removable. If it’s integrated into the robot vacuum, you’ll have to carry the entire vacuum with you to the garbage cans. Although it isn’t a deal breaker, a removable bin generally makes the process easier; some removable ones even come with a tote handle.

Top 10 Best 100 Dollar Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Is It Hard to Change the Brushes?

Every once in a while, you must replace the side brushes. Often, this means you have to pull out the screwdriver and fiddle with ridiculously tiny screws. However, some robot vacuum cleaners allow you to change the brushes without tools by pulling out the old ones and pushing in the new ones.

For less than $100, you won’t get a top-of-the-line robot vacuum, but you will get a vacuum that saves you a ton of time. They are also affordable enough to give to others. Don’t know what to buy as a housewarming gift for that friend who just moved into her first apartment? How are you going to top last year’s birthday present to your Aunt Sue? An inexpensive robotic vacuum can solve these dilemmas.

Cheap Robotic Vacuums

Thanks to the various colors from which to choose and that fun factor that comes along with them, robot vacuums are also great for motivating your kids to clean their rooms on a regular basis. Since budget robot vacuums are so inexpensive, it won’t be devastating to your wallet if one of your children accidentally breaks it. Before you run out and buy one, look at the features you can expect to get in this price range.


You can’t rely on suction alone from a robot vacuum if you want your floors thoroughly cleaned. At the price point in which you’re shopping, there should at least be one side brush. However, most models come with two.

Occasionally, you may come across a robot vacuum that also has a roller brush; these can handle light-duty vacuuming chores on low-pile carpet.


Infrared sensors are used in virtually all robot vacuums. Some high-end models also utilize on on-board cameras for navigation and smartphone tracking, but inexpensive robot vacuums only have sensors to keep them from falling from heights and running into furniture.


There will be one of three different batteries on any given robot vacuum – nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride or lithium-ion. Since the nickel varieties are less expensive, manufacturers tend to use these batteries in robot vacuums that are priced under $100.

However, you may luck up and find a robot vac with a lithium-ion battery, which provides the best performance of all three.


Filters are important. They not only keep dust out of the air but also prevent it from reaching the motor. Although a filter enhances suction strength, they are not typically used in budget-friendly robot vacuums.

Most of those that do have a filter will have a standard one while some come with a high-efficiency particulate air, or HEPA filter, which is capable of trapping 99.97 percent of allergens like dust, pollen and animal dander.

Best Robot Vacuums Under $100


Simplicity is the name of the game at this price point. Therefore, many robot vacuums only have one cleaning mode. Due to the lack of advanced navigation, the path they take is usually random. While not impossible, it’s rare to find a robot vacuum under $100 that offers spot cleaning and edge cleaning or moves in a methodical pattern.


Features like a remote control and Wi-Fi connectivity are not offered in low-cost robot vacuums because the money the manufacturer must invest to add these technologies exceeds the maximum price they try to keep these robot vacs under to appeal to shoppers on a budget. Therefore, you should expect for all controls to be on the vacuum itself.

100 Dollar robot vacuum

Recommended Robot Vacuums

Affordable Option The iRobot Roomba 694 is a basic robot vacuum. It feels well-built, offers fantastic battery performance, and can adjust its suction power and brushroll height automatically depending on the surface that it's on.

Best of the Best The Roborock S7+ can vacuum and mop, and does an excellent job at both. It's also the company's most powerful vacuum yet, with 2,500Pa of suction.

Popular Option The Shark AV911S EZ is one of the least expensive robot vacuum with self-empty base. The bagless, self-emptying base holds up to 30 days of dirt and debris.

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Hi I’m Alex, founder of HouseholdMe.com and I’d like to say thank you for dropping by. Like most of you, the first thing I look at before buying something online is reviews or buying guides. By reading what other people say will help me gauge whether or not a product is good or not.  I am trying to help people find answers, solve problems, and get inspired.

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