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6 Good Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wear Polyester

Be aware of what you put on your body.

Polyester has always been one of the most polluting fabrics around.

Polyester is made from a mixture of oil and coal fused with water. It has been used to create an endless number of things. From home furnishings and seat belts, all the way down to tents or even cover stock for diapers.

Polyester is mass-produced, which means that many easily attainable this material. It’s originally from synthetic material and can be underwear, clothing or anything else you want!

Polyester Clothes

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All of a sudden, polyester became trendy in fashion. Have you ever noticed how most apparel is made out of polyester?

Some manufacturers claim that adding this chemical makes your shirt feel more robust, but the reality may be different.

Unfortunately, as “Money After Graduation” points out in her blog, Frugal Fashion polyester can be tricky as this makes you think it’s something else when all we have are synthetics.

Let us give you five reasons why wearing polyester is a bad idea.

Polyester is a strong fabric, but it’s not the best fabric to wear. There is no way for your skin or clothes to breathe in this fabric; it’s unnatural and made explicitly with chemicals that don’t belong on our bodies. This is how polyester manufacturers make their money. They put all of the cost onto customers who suffer from heat stress when wearing these materials, which are supposed to be cool or refreshing.

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Wear Polyester

Polyester is advertised as the ultimate in wrinkle-free clothes, but these materials are often made with harsh chemicals harmful to sensitive skin. The chemicals in this product can lead to rashes and other skin problems. Instead, wear organic cotton, an excellent fabric for both the environment and your skin.

There are many adverse side effects of polyester. For one, it releases a tremendous amount of waste into our earth’s environment, which can have devastating impacts. The breakdown of polyester can only be reduced into micro plastics that stay in our oceans and water supply – never biodegradable.

The production of polyester fibers takes about 70 million barrels of oil. The amount of carbon inherent in the polyester fabric is genuinely alarming.

Polyester Clothing

Fabric that’s made out of polyester won’t last you long. Polyester doesn’t have a very long shelf life, which means that you will need to replace it frequently. A few years in, you’ll find that this garment is starting to show signs of fading or tearing. Both the environment and your money are two things that are not worth risking when you buy clothes made of polyester.

As more industries cater to organic wear, you’ll find a wide variety of natural options for your clothes. You need to make sure the fabric isn’t blended with any polyester. It’s crucial that you only purchase natural and organic materials, so they’re safe for both your body and the earth!

FAQs About Polyester

The Difference Between Cotton and Polyester

Cotton is a sustainable fabric that can be recycled and remended to create more material. It’s breathable, durable (because of its natural fibers), absorbent – making it perfect for many applications where you need both comfort AND quality in your clothes or home décor!

Polyester is an artificial fabric that looks and feels like wool. The downside to polyester is that it’s not sustainable.

Is Polyester A Plastic?

Our clothes are made up largely of polyester, nylon and acrylic fibers which all have one thing in common – they’re plastics.

Today, 60% of the clothes we wear are made out synthetic fibers like polyester or nylon. These manmade materials have been creeping up in our clothing over time because they’re easy to produce and inexpensive when compared with natural fabrics such as cotton which require more care for production purposes.

Polyester Is A Plastic

Is Polyester Good for Skin?

The breathability of polyester fabric causes it to be more uncomfortable than natural materials. This can lead not only in skin irritations but also sweating. Heat is the culprit behind both acne and seborrheic dermatitis.

Can Polyester be Organic?

No. Polyester is an fabric term that can be broken down into poly (many), and ester (a basic organic chemical compound). Polyester is made from ethylene, which comes out of petroleum.

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Hi I’m Alex, founder of HouseholdMe.com and I’d like to say thank you for dropping by. Like most of you, the first thing I look at before buying something online is reviews or buying guides. By reading what other people say will help me gauge whether or not a product is good or not.  I am trying to help people find answers, solve problems, and get inspired.

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